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Festivals & Awards

Cannes #2: Meat the press

CANNES, France – In one of the bravest acts of courage I have performed in the exercise of my duties at the Cannes festival, I went out to dinner Thursday night. The company was exhilarating and the food was superb,…


'The Da Vinci Code': Faith in fiction?

A scene from "The Da Vinci Code" -- or, possibly, one of the "Hellraiser" movies, it's kinda hard to tell. My favorite headline of the week (so far) comes from Reuters: "Reading 'Da Vinci Code' does alter beliefs: survey." According…


The Cruise-ible

Tom Cruise with his "Miiii" squeeze. What do we talk about when we talk about Tom Cruise? What are our images of him really based upon, besides his own publicity stunts and some headlines? And just how did the top…

Movie Answer Man

Balancing the brain

Q. In your anecdote in the "Silent Hill" review about children's brain activity and video games, you cite Dr. Leonard Shlain describing the monitoring of brain activity by young children learning to play video games: "At first, when they were…


A Concise History of the Made-For-TV Issue Movie

Pandemic flu expert and television historian Dr. Rob Corddry. Rob Corddry on "The Daily Show," explains how Monday's "in-depth investigative report on ABC" called "Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America" served to inform American citizens of the life-or-death options available…


Why we are all doomed

Director Richard Kelly. (Note motion picture camera.) Not to be confused with suspected terrorist James Kelly. Or soap-operatic rapper (and little girl fancier) R. Kelly. Or "Singin' in the Rain" dancer Gene Kelly. Or former Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly.…