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The fillet of fests

"Junebug" director (and still photographer!) Phil Morrison at the Overlooked. (Photo by Jim Emerson) At several moments during the Eighth Overlooked Film Festival, I thought I had been transported to a time in which the greatest artists of the movies…


Tom Cruise, The Movie

"M:I:III": To see or not to see? Quick: When you think "Tom Cruise," what's the first thing that pops into your mind? Tabloid celebrity? Love-struck happy dad? Couch-jumper? Noted skeptic and scholar of the history of psychology and psychopharmacology? Censor?…


Stephen Colbert, hero

The thing about speaking truth to power is that the powerful don't really like it all that much. That was apparent at the White House Correspondents Dinner Saturday night, when Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central's satirical "The Colbert Report" (basically…

Movie Answer Man

'Wild' theory has merit

Q. I think you may be onto something with your critique of "The Wild," when you say the animals fall into the Uncanny Valley of being too realistic. I think it may extend beyond the lip-syncing. The day I saw…


A slice of perfection

Ramin Bahrani and Ahmad Razvi after the screening of "Man Push Cart" at the Overlooked Film Festival. "Man Push Cart": Alfred Hitchcock supposedly said that while most movies are a slice of life, his were a slice of cake. He's…


Overlooked Photos and Audio

University of Illinois President B. Joseph White (center), his wife Mary (left) and volunteer host Judy Tolliver (right) outside the Virginia Theatre. So many movies and filmmakers and conversations, so little sleep. Well, that's a film festival for you. I…


Welcome aboard the first train to blogville!

After eight months of existence, Scanners has finally grown up and become (not unlike Pinocchio) a real live blog. With a Moveable Type publishing platform and everything. While I continue with unabated enthusiasm in my capacity as founding editor-in-chief, webmaster…


From the Overlooked Hotel

EbertSwag: Love that Hitchockian coffee mug design, although nobody's going to mug Lauren Bacall over this stuff... (photo by Jim Emerson) URBANA, IL -- All the guests of Roger Ebert's Overlooked Film Festival stay in the Illini Student Union building…