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Overlooked Film Fest Photo Album

Updated: Monday, April 25: The seventh Roger Ebert's Overlooked Film Festival got off to a thunderous start -- both inside the theater and outside -- in Urbana-Champaign Wednesday, April 20. Ebert himself received the University of Illinois Chancellor's medal from…

Movie Answer Man

High fidelity? Fan thinks not

Q. You mentioned it's difficult to imagine anyone other than Jimmy Fallon as the Red Sox baseball fan in "Fever Pitch" (2005). For me, I'm having a hard time imagining anyone other than Colin Firth as the long-suffering Arsenal soccer…

Movie Answer Man

A Seamless performance?

Q. In your review of "Ice Princess," you wrote, "The surprise is that Michelle Trachtenberg seems able to skate, too. That didn't look like a double on the ice, although Variety, the show-biz bible, reports, 'Four different skaters sub for…

Movie Answer Man

If at first you don't succeed ...

Q: "Taxi Driver" scribe Paul Schrader's long-shelved version of "Exorcist: The Beginning" is finally seeing the light of day at the International Festival of Fantastic Film in Brussels. Given the lukewarm reception toward Renny Harlin's version, is there any chance…

Roger Ebert

Readers Debate: 'Robots'

I went to see the "Robots" film with my wife and, although the film is stunning visually and in conception, we both felt uncomfortable while watching. We ended up leaving after 30 minutes. Here were the problems we had with…