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The Biggest Little Farm

If you grew up reading storybooks about small family farms stocked with ducks and pigs and lambs and loyal sheepdogs, the documentary "The Biggest Little Farm" will probably make you happy. Its main characters (one of whom is also the filmmaker) left urban life and got into farming because they'd spent their entire lives carrying around those kinds of nostalgic images in their heads. The reality of farming proves to be a lot less rosy, of course—a fact telegraphed in the movie's ominous flash-forward opening, which heralds a Biblically-scaled natural disaster that the farmers will have to survive somehow. 


Hail Satan?

Buried somewhere in this smart but somewhat disorganized and repetitious movie about The Satanic Temple is a trickier, potentially deeper and more all-encompassing work.


High Life

A 1970s-style science fiction film for adults, packed with sex, violence and philosophizing, and for the kind of film it is, damned near perfect.