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Brokeback Jack and the gay "Departed"?

Nicholson's gangster... in a straight jacket? When I was in college, it was popular for English professors to insist that this character or that character in literature -- or even the authors themselves -- were what we used to call…


What if they didn't spend millions to advertise "Norbit"?

"Norbit": Un filme de Brian Robbins. Brian Robbins has been making himself and others quite rich recently as the director of the Eddie Murphy comedy "Norbit" and the co-producer of last weekend's top-grossing movie, "Wild Hogs." But guess what? He's…


"The Host" LIVES!

Poster image for "The Host." From today's Seattle Post-Intelligencer, a story that echoes the scandalous real-life inspiration for the Korean monster movie, "The Host," which opens in various US markets tomorrow (March 9, 2007): When Daniel R. Storm, a University…


Hurdy Gurdys and Aqua Velvas: Misc. "Zodiac" fax...

There's something about an Aqua Velva Man. Don't worry; no spoilers here. >> The blue Aqua Velva cocktail that Jake Gyllenhaal's character orders is named after a popular after-shave lotion of a similar color. The drink consists of vodka, gin,…


"Zodiac": Digital and analog

View image Cracking the cipher of a cracked cipher: The Zodiac Killer. Over at MCN, Larry Gross has an intriguing take on David Fincher's "Zodiac" which I saw over the weekend. (As usual, I put off reading anything about the…


The Rise and Rise of the Celebritocracy

Alec Baldwin, the Cable News Celebrities' Menace to Society. From a 2003 interview with Toby Young, celeb interviewer, memoirist and author of "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People": "I have this idea for a dystopian satire. It's set in…


What is up with that Seinfeld guy?

Is this guy is incredibly depressing, or what? So, what was the deal with Jerry Seinfeld at the Oscars, smoothly delivering a chunk of some old act before presenting the documentary feature award? Who does this guy think he is,…


On acting, authenticity and Robert De Niro

Just started Tom McCarthy's novel, "Remainder," in which the first-person narrator is recovering from some kind of mysterious brain injury (which may just be consciousness itself). He and his friend Greg go to see Martin Scorsese's "Mean Streets" -- just…


A.O. Scott is on a roll!

View image "Squeal like a hog": The Not-Gay Gang, John Travolta, William H. Macy, Tim Allen and Martin Lawrence. Two of A.O. Scott's reviews today in the New York Times had me laughing out loud. From "Wild Hogs": The main…


Unchain My Tart

View image She's got them radiator blues again. Roger Ebert reviews "Black Snake Moan": The girl is Rae (Christina Ricci); it is no coincidence that Jackson's character is named Lazarus, and Lazarus determines to return her from near death or…