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Yes, gayer than "Dreamgirls"

I saw "Top Gun" in 1986 when it came out (as it were), with a few friends, one of whom was gay (still is) and who said before the credits were over: "This is the gayest movie I've ever seen."…


What is your favorite Scorsese Picture?

Martin Scorsese and a big gold pizza. (DGA photo) In honor of Martin Scorsese's victory at the Director's Guild over the weekend, here's another poll using a different software application. This one's more compact: Just use the drop-down box and…


The meaning of "articulate"

View image Forest Whitaker as Idi Amin in "The Last King of Scotland." The New York Times asks: Which Best Actor Oscar nominee is the bestest articulater: Whitaker or Peter O'Toole? (Answer: Neither.) Senator Joseph Biden praised (or faintly damned)…


Restoring your faith in America

BAD WORD WARNING: In a world where people are stupid enough to mistake a childrens' lightbox toy displaying the likeness of a cartoon character (which looks no more sinister than any random Pac Man-era video-game pixel blob) for a bomb…


What was YOUR favorite comedy of 2006?

Don't ask me how I came up with these dozen options -- that's all the software allows, and these were the ones I thought of -- either because they were popular, conspicuous, or got some year-end recognition. (So sorry to…


Sarah Silverman, critics & the new PC

View image Sarah Silverman in "Jesus Is Magic." Her Comedy Central sitcom, "The Sarah Silverman Program," begins Thursday at 10:30 p.m. (9:30 Central). I love Sarah Silverman and A.O. Scott all the more for this, from today's New York Times:…


Go Inland, young woman!

Laura Dern in "Inland Empire": A Woman in Trouble is a Temporal Thing. My review of David Lynch's "Inland Empire" in the Chicago Sun-Times and on today: Put on the watch. Light the cigarette, fold back the silk, and…


Losing control, or ceding control, or not...

Mr. Lazarescu pukes blood strings on his living room rug. He is not at all well. Critics, filmmakers and pundits have been writing quite a bit over the last few years about what "digital" means for the future of cinema,…