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Critics and 'crackpots'

Photo from The Reeler: VanAirsdale and Zacharek on the right; Edelstein and Gleiberman on the left. In other Contrarian News: The Reeler (aka S.T. VanAirsdale) moderated a critics' panel on the best and worst films of 2006 Wednesday in New…


Mr. Contempt

President Bush reminded me of the District Attorney in Chinatown (that is, in "Chinatown") the other night, as he stood in the White House "liberry," stiffly mumbling about his "new strategy" for Iraq, which amounts to: "As little as possible."…


New Message from Roger

It's great to hear from Roger Ebert, who has this message at It's been some time since I checked in to let you know how I'm doing. I had hoped to be back in my seat in the balcony…


The Entitled

View image From The Onion, October 23, 2006: "I've been making pictures for 40 years," said the intense, fast-talking Scorsese in an excerpt from "The Entitled," during which the Rolling Stones' "Gimme Shelter" can be heard in the background. "For…


Four-star faves for January

Ben Whishaw in a stinky place in "Perfume." Roger Ebert on "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer": "Why I love this story, I do not know. Why I have read the book twice and given away a dozen copies of…


Learning from lists

Dana Stevens (at, Susan Gerhard (, and I are the only critics I know of who put "Man Push Cart" on our best of 2006 lists. Roger Ebert probably would have been a fourth, if he'd made a list…


Contrarian dispatch: Are critics patronizing Scorsese?

View image Critics gather 'round to watch "The Departed" on their laptops. Is there anybody who doesn't want Martin Scorsese to win an Oscar? Even if you don't think "The Departed" approaches his best work? For me, his best films…


Up With Contempt!

Godard is a contemptuous artist, too. Forget "Le Mepris." Ever see "Weekend"? We heard a lot in 2006, as we do every year, about nasty filmmakers who were said to have viewed their characters (and, hence, their audiences) with contempt,…


Call him "Mr. Contrarian"

Latest Contrarian Week News: In his New York Observer year-end wrap-up (and ten-best list), Andrew Sarris attempts to steal the thunder of one of his New York "alternative weekly" rivals. Sarris writes: Fortunately, modern technology makes it almost impossible for…


Children of...?

Hey, does this sound at all familiar? "[This character] was life and hope, as she is the only one carrying a child. This is a society without procreation, so that's why they make such a fuss about finding a girl…