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Precious Based on the Movie Female Trouble by John Waters

My previous post, Impressions Based on the Hype for the Movie Precious Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire, was an account of exactly that -- how even limited exposure to advance word for the movie over 11 months, from…

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Stop thinking! Why don't you just enjoy it?

From Roger Ebert @ebertchicago: "To people who say 'Just enjoy! Don't analyze!' This speaks eloquently for me." From Racialicious via io9 ("When Will White People Stop Making Movies Like 'Avatar'?"): Of all the varieties of irritating comment out there, the…


I miss Robert Altman so much it hurts

I've been reading Mitchell Zuckoff's "Robert Altman: The Oral Biography" before going to sleep each night, and it's reminding me of how much he influenced my life -- from the life-changing epiphany of "Nashville" in 1975 to the first time…


The Worst Movie Posters of the Decade

Jordan Gray -- a graphic designer, filmmaker and scanners reader -- has posted his choices for the Worst Movie Posters of the Decade. (Others' picks for the best of the decade can be found here, here and here.) To the…


Avatar 3D headaches: Look at this! Don't look at this!

The eyestrain I got from watching James Cameron's "Avatar" reminded me why I think so-called "3D" cinema is still a cheap-looking gimmick that hasn't improved since the View Master was introduced at the 1939 New York World's Fair. Upon returning…


Avatar plunges into the Uncanny Unimaginative Valley

Shortly after getting gut-shot, one of the characters in James Cameron's "Avatar" wisecracks: "This could ruin my whole day." I know the feeling. The line, like so many others, lands with a hollow thud. To my eyes (and ears), "Avatar"…


Moments Out of Time 2009

Once again, Richard T. Jameson and Kathleen Murphy transform the year's movies into poetry -- and poetic criticism -- at MSN Movies: Moments Out of Time 2009. A few excerpted stanzas: • Middle Atlantic States summer heat and humidity visible…