Roger Ebert Home



Splice: Will you be my mommy?

"Splice" has the DNA of a really great philosophical horror/science-fiction movie, but in the less-than-fully formed thing that was delivered to theaters, some of its most promising traits remain recessive, under-developed. You may notice the first sign of this gestational…


Baby Dren's First Photo Album

If you haven't seen the family's home movies of Dren -- now in theaters under the title "Splice" -- you might not want to leaf through the album just yet... She was cute from the moment she poked her little…


Semites and anti-Semites agree... on certain myths

Michael Chabon, probably best-known as the author of the novels "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay" and "Wonder Boys," has an Op-Ed piece in the New York Times called "Chosen, but Not Special" -- about the myths of Jewish…


Arizona strikes again: Which one's the black kid?

"I'm not a racist by any stretch of the imagination, but whenever people start talking about diversity, it's a word I can't stand." -- Prescott, AZ, City Councilman (and former radio talk-show host) Steve Blair Roger Ebert posted a blog…


A letter about essential things from Albert Einstein

I like this Einstein fellow's intellectual attitude (see the final paragraph, below). While firmly disagreeing with someone's philosophical stance, he nevertheless insists that they may have much to say to each other "if we talked about concrete things." (Hey, what…


Beep-beep-m beep-beep, yeah

Over Memorial Day weekend I attended a high school graduation in Albuquerque. One of the graduating senior boys gave a speech in which he used car parts as a metaphor for the components of one's personality or identity. It was…


One long weekend

I'm taking an actual vacation (from the computer) -- back in action Wednesday, June 2. Hope you have a meaningful (and, yes, enjoyable) Memorial Day Weekend. I will.


Panahi is home!

He's still in the bloody dictatorship of Iran, he still faces charges of conspiring to make an anti-regime film... but, for now, he is home with his family.


Just a few LOST leftovers

They completely lost me with the time travel stuff, which became so arbitrary I just stopped caring. But the series finale did make me weep a few times (especially when Vincent showed up at the very end). Glad that it…