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O, the absurdity! O, the ambiguity!

Wednesday, IMDb linked to my "Eleven Worst Ambiguous Movie Endings" post, and the comments from readers unfamiliar with the way we do things 'round here have been hilarious and disturbing. To spare embarrassment for those who seem to have unconsciously…


Ten Best: Ethics, politics and tokenism in critical list-making

When the editors of Publishers Weekly came out with their lists of the best books of 2009, they divided them into several categories: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Mystery, Lifestyle (?), Comics, Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror, and so on. Out of 50,000 eligible titles,…


Still hungry? A Feast for the eyes...

Let us give thanks for Matt Zoller Seitz, who cooked up this luscious banquet -- entitled "Feast" -- for our delectation in this season of gustatory revelry. It is available on the Moving Image Source site in two flavors --…


Hollywood vs. New York: Isn't it romantic?

Kirby Ferguson of (whom you may remember from "Trajan is the Movie Font") has composed a spectacular image overture, "Hollywood vs. New York," which he describes as, "Four decades of celluloid New York annihilation distilled into one musical montage."…


North by Northwest with fish and vectors

This film, "The Knife" by Mario Balducci,¹ was made for Nic Clear's Unit 15 course, "Crash: Architectures of the Near Future" at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London. It consists of four sections, involving re-imagined images from Hitchcock's "North…


The Eleven Worst Ambiguous Movie Endings

Everybody hates it when they don't explain everything that happened by the time the movie is over. What we need at the end is not open-endedness but clarity, loose-end tying-up, closure. We need more movies like "Psycho" (unfortunately Simon Oakland…


Fight Club at Ten: A Love Story

Ten years after its release, there are still plenty of people who will not get David Fincher's "Fight Club" because they refuse to see what is in front of their eyes. They think it's about a cult of men who…


Let's fix those "ambiguous" endings, shall we?

Nobody has ever satisfactorily explained what is supposedly "ambiguous" about the ending of "No Country for Old Men," which has one of the most exquisitely judged denouements in movie history. ("A Serious Man," too.) So, what is it, precisely, that…


Helvetica is the movie font

See more ("Up in the Air," "Little Miss Sunshine," "Madea Goes to Jail") at The Auteurs, where Adrian Curry writes: Two of my favorite posters of recent years, those for "Margot at the Wedding" (2007) and "Funny Games" U.S. (2008)…